CIPB Training – Certified Islamic Banking Professional
Considering the developing need for skilled professionals, Computer Educator launched Certified Islamic Banker (CIB) program in the year 2005. Today, CIB is the best recognized and advantageous Islamic banking certification. It will be of enormous help regardless of whether you are a banking professional or a current graduate. Linked to other Islamic banking & Computer Courses, CIB is different. It is a profession-oriented certification, designed by important shariah scholars and practitioners. This Islamic banking preparation is well-recognized among economic institutions. It purposes to improve your Islamic banking skills that employers seek. CIB graduates are helping renowned banking organizations, all terminated the world. Read More: CIt
Islamic Banking Course Contents
The opinion of Islamic Economics And Shariah Boundaries
- Worldwide View Of Islamic Banking
- International OrganizationsProduction With Islamic Banking and Finance
- Basic Concepts And Philosophy Of Islamic Banking
- Islamization Of Financial System In Pakistan
Law of Contracts And Principles Of Trading:
- Musawamah- Concept, And Scope
- Sharjah And Mishawaka
- Accessory Modes
- Murabaha As A Financing Mode
Takaful and Status Of Takaful Industry
- Financing
- Application of the system on Bonds& Assets Side
- Issues In Islamic Credit Cards
- Salam / Salaf
- Istisna’a And Istisna’aBuilt Infrastructure
Course Audience
- Banking experts looking for in-depth information about modern Division Banking
- Finance / BBA / MBA Students
- Everyone willing to create a career in Banking