Computer Educator


    Graphic Designing Course Outline

    Here is the basic Graphic Designing Course Outline to realize all of the fundamentals you need to learn to understand this computer course completely. 

    Exploring the Photoshop Environment
    In this portion, you will learn several things: Explore the Photoshop interface, Customize the Workspace,  and Explore the Navigation Tools.

    Working with Image Areas
    Here you will understand how to Select Image Areas,  Save a Selection, and Modify a Selection.

    Setting Color Space
    This lesson will help you understand,  Calibrate and Profile your Monitor,  Set a Working Color Space in Photoshop, Convert Images from one Color Space to Another, and Manage Printing and Color. 

    Enhancing Image
    Next comes Print Strokes on an Image, Apply Filter Effects, Convert an Image to Black and White, Blend Layers, Merge Layers and Flatten Image, and Convert Color Images to Grayscale.

    Working with Layers
    For the next lesson, you will learn how to Create Layers, Create Type Layers, Transform Layers,  Alter T type Properties, Apply Layer Styles, Undo Previous Steps, and Arrange and Group Layers.

    Saving Images for Web and Print
    Also,  Save Images for Use in Print Application, Save Images for the Web, and  Save Images as PDF

    Managing Assets with Adobe@ Bridge
    In adobe portion, you will learn how to Explore Adobe Bridge, Work with Adobe Bridge, Work with Stacks and Filters in Adobe Bridge, Apply Metadata and Keywords to Files, Preparing Web Images,  Change the Measurement Unit, and  Reduce File Size.

    Creating Web Page Layouts
    You will also learn the basics of how to Simulate a Web Page, Create a Web Page Background, Draw Editable Vector Shapes, Create Effects, and Export a Web Page.

    There are many more to add to this Graphic Designing Course Outline. In this writing, we have mentioned all the bullet points for you. 

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